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Criminal Offences against Marriage and Family

On December 22nd 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the scope of Continuous Training Program (CTP) delivered training on Criminal offences against Marriage and Family.

Training aimed to contribute in further extension of knowledge about criminal offences against marriage and family in general, and according to the CCK, then to enhance professional skills of judges and prosecutors in correct application of legal provisions that sanction these criminal offences, as well as increase of professional capacities in investigating and trial of perpetrators of these offences.

This training also elaborated on issues of criminal offences, bigamy, the crime of enabling unlawful marital relation, extramarital consanguinity with persons under the age of 16, criminal offence of abduction or unlawful holding of the child, etc.

Training methodology was a combined method of teaching with theory and practical cases, in which case it was discussed about issues that were focus of this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance. 

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