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Competence-based Training of Trainers

On December 7th 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the EU Twinning Project “Further Support to Legal Education Reform”, conducted training of ITP trainers on the topic of Competence-based Training.

Training aimed to familiarize the ITP trainers with the up-to-date methods and techniques of training, in order to be able to convey professional knowhow and their practical experiences to newly appointed prosecutors.

This training elaborated on types of training competences, including the qualification requirements, competence framework and the training modules. It further elaborated on the teaching intensity, advanced methods of training and their efficiency; focusing also on the structure of training modules, in which part, the participants that were divided in groups and worked on drafting a training module format.

Beneficiaries of this training were KJI trainers, who are engaged in the Initial Training Program. 

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