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Initial Hearing, second hearing and main trial

On January 18th 2017, the Kosovo Judicial Institute within the Continuous Training Program conducted training on the initial Hearing, Second Hearing and Main Trial.

Purpose of this training was to extend knowledge of the participants on the criminal procedure that takes place after criminal indictment is raised by the prosecutors, and elaboration of the CPC provisions that regulate conducting of the initial hearing, second hearing and the main trial, in order to efficiently apply the proceeding in these stages.

This training elaborated on the initial hearing and second hearing, the timelines for setting the initial hearing after receiving the indictment and the timeline for setting second hearing, actions of the presiding trial judge or of the single trial judge, as well as the flow of these hearings; participants in the initial and in the second hearings, and actions between the initial hearing and the second hearing. Also, it was elaborated on the criteria in cases of plea bargaining, options after pleading guilty and cases of separating the procedure when there are more defendants and some of them plead guilty in the initial hearing and some of them don’t. It was further elaborated on objection of evidence, response and rulings to these objections, as well as requests and circumstances of dropping the charges in this stage.

The training also focused on the main trial, as one of the most important stages of the criminal procedure, stages of the judicial review, tasks and actions of the presiding trial judges or of the single trial judges in main trial, as well as discontinuing and postponing the main hearing. Also, the training covered the area of witnesses and the defendants, as well as the timeline for concluding the main trial.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance. 

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