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Litispendence and interferers in the proceeding

On March 8th 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program, conducted training on “Litispendence and interferers in the proceeding”.

This training aimed to enhance the knowledge of civil law judges on joint litigation as a legal institute, which in practice appears in very complex way, and at the same time extend their knowledge about interferers when they occur in the procedure, to the function of correct application of the procedure and brining merit based judgments. 

First part of this training elaborated on the notion of joint litigation, types of joint litigation, effects of decisions on joint litigants in the contested procedure, procedural position of joint litigants and their actions, as well as consequences caused by these actions.

It was further elaborated on participation of third persons in civil disputes (interferers), ways and types of interferers, effects of court decisions against litigants and against interferers. It was also elaborated on types of intercessors, conditions foreseen in the LCP for allowing interference and distinctions between interferers.

This training, also elaborated on the effect of judgment against joint litigants and interferers in contested procedure.

This training was delivered in combined methods of lecturing including theoretical and practical presentations followed by practical examples, where the participants were active participating in discussions with the trainer after each presentation session.

Beneficiaries were judges of civil division in basic courts and of the Appeals Court, as well as legal associates.


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