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Activities conducted in ITP – February 2017

During February 2017, within the Initial Training Program, were developed training activities according to the adopted training program which covers the theoretical and practical part of the training.

Within the theoretical part, in this period were conducted 8 training sessions of the ECHR module – “Human Rights Legislation”, whereas main topics elaborated in this training were related to: Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 4 of the Protocol 7, Article 5, Article 6 and Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Also, in order to complete the theoretical part of the training, in this period were conducted 8 training sessions on the module “Initiation of the formal investigation and criminal procedure”.

During this period of the sub-module were elaborated: preliminary procedure-filing of criminal report and duration of the investigations, suspension and annulment of the investigations, extension and re-initiation of investigations, covert technical measures of investigation and surveillance, witnesses and their investigational phases, special investigation opportunity, sequestration as a procedural act during the investigation process.

During the implementation of these training sessions was applied a combined methodology, covering theoretical lecturing and interactive discussion, where newly appointed prosecutors had the opportunity to raise dilemmas faced  by them during the practical training phase in the prosecution office.

Through different tasks and practical drills, they have been engaged in preparation of different cases.

Within the practical training at prosecution office, the newly appointed prosecutors continued their practice at the respective prosecution conform the determined program agenda, under the supervision of their mentors.

Also, due to fulfillment of their practical program, newly appointed prosecutors attended training in the following institutions: Constitutional Court of Kosovo, Independent Oversight Board for Civil Service of Kosovo and Anti-Corruption Agency.


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