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Protection of injured parties and witnesses

On April 7th 2017, Academy of Justice in Co-operation with the Strengthening Witness Pro-tection in the Western Balkans Project – WINPRO III (NI-CO), within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on “Protection of injured parties and witnesses”.

Purpose of this training was to present best practices and elaborate on dilemmas in order for the participants to extend their knowledge on efficient protection of injured parties and witnesses during judicial proceeding.

This training covered protection of injured par-ties and witnesses and special categories which are envisaged by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kosovo and in the Witness Protection Law, which present main categories in a criminal proceeding.

Initially, particular attention was paid to practi-cal cases, in some of which the injured parties and witnesses do not testify because of the feeling of danger for their health, lives and family members. This proves that in a criminal proceeding, protection of injured parties and witnesses shall be paid the adequate attention, so that they don’t have any intrusion or eventu-al distress from external or internal sources.

The training was delivered through interactive discussions where the participants could pre-sent their challenges and difficulties they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance, police officers, professional associates and legal officers.

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