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Training Program in Non-Judicial Institutions - visit of newly appointed judges and prosecutors to the Institute of Forensic Medicine

On February 3 2023, Academy of Justice within the framework of practical training with non-judicial institutions for newly appointed judges and prosecutors of the ninth generation, organized a visit to the "Institute of Forensic Medicine".

The visits planned according to the Initial Training Program in non-judicial institutions, includes also the Institute of Forensic Medicine, where the Deputy Director of IFM made the opening speech and welcomed the newly appointed judges and prosecutors whose visit he described as highly needed and expressed appreciation for the cooperation with the Justice Academy. He further continued with the background of the institute, the mandate and challenges of this institution.

The judges also had the opportunity to see closely the toxicology laboratory and the rooms where the autopsy is performed.

Beneficiaries of the training are the newly appointed judges and prosecutors (generation IX), including two members of the Bosnian community.

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