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Joint investigation teams

On May 10-12th 2017, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU funded project “International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Justice”, implemented by the Western Balkans Prosecutors' Network conducted the workshop on Joint Investigation Teams.

Purpose of the workshop was to enable the par-ticipants acquaint with the legal terms to be met in order to reach an agreement between two or more states or authorities competent for investi-gation of specific criminal offence.

The first session talked about basic elements for investigation teams, how to estimate the interna-tional element of a cross-border criminal activi-ty, how to prepare and sign formal agreement by competent authorities, how to conduct joint in-vestigations, what are existing methods of joint investigation for combating effectively serious cross-border crimes, as well as ways of prompt and more efficient international cooperation be-tween authorities of different states.

The second session elaborated on the time ele-ment of joint investigation teams, establishing investigation teams for certain time periods, covert measures limited with set timelines and different time periods, then how these limita-tions reflect on the agreement of joint investiga-tion teams, as well as the operational plan.

This session also covered the procedure for es-tablishing a joint investigation team, how to de-termine the criminal offence, as well as how to contact with foreign authorities – agreement for the main element.

This was an interactive workshop, with few sim-ulated cases for provision of cooperation be-tween two or more states or other authorities competent for investigation of a specific crimi-nal offence.

Beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors of serious crime’ departments, as well as inves-tigation police official from the Kosovo Police.

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