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Diversion Measures

On May 11th 2017, Academy of Justice with the support of UNICEF conducted training on the criminal area of Justice for Children on the topic of Diversion Measures.

The training took place with the purpose of ena-bling participants to increase their knowledge and skills in correct application of domestic legal provisions, and familiarization with international standards that derive from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the sense of har-monizing the court practices when imposing di-version measures.

This training initially elaborated on the purpose of diversion measures, terms for imposing them, against whom and for what offences they are imposed, adequate diversion measures for spe-cific situations, types of diversion measures and competent bodies for imposing diversion measures.

Furthermore, it was discussed about the age limit of criminal liability, the procedure, the possibil-ity of imposing sanctions – punishment or measures against children, as well as novelties and proposed changes for the Juvenile Justice Code.

Training was delivered in form of interactive discussions of participating judges and prosecu-tors, who raised their dilemmas and uncertainties pertaining to interpretation and implementation of provisions in the process of bringing judg-ment by courts, including examples from the case law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from the Juve-nile departments.

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