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Practical implications of the Law on Business Organizations

Today, April 6, 2023, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting the training on the topic: "Practical Implications of the Law on Business organizations"

The purpose of this training is to provide the Judges of the Commercial Court and Judges from the Civil Division with more knowledge about the ways of establishing and closing down business organizations and the legal consequences that it creates, the ways of organization, the capital structure, the rights and obligations of owners, officials of business organizations, their representatives and third parties.

The training will also discuss on exclusion of the shareholder from the company, intervention of the Court in the Management of Business Organizations, Obligation for loyalty, conflict of interest and lawsuits for partnerships and corporations.

The training is being developed interactively between the Trainer and the participants, discussing also practical cases provided by the Trainer, especially decisions of the Court of Appeal.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Judges of the Commercial Court.

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