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Sub-module – Social skills development and stress management for judges; first session – Protecting health and improving the quality of work and life

On May 3, 2023, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of the Initial Training Program, for the newly appointed judges of the tenth generation, is carrying out the theoretical training under the module " Social skills development and stress management", delivered by the trainer Prof. Fatmir Qollakaj trainer at the Academy of Justice.

The topics being addressed in this session are: Health protection and improvement of the quality of work and life, skills on maintaining mental and physical health, on not wearing out professionally during the exercise of the prosecutor's profession, and the value of health, which can be more easily destroyed by work stress and how to save and protect them.

The training methodology is being developed through an interactive and case-based method.

Beneficiaries of the training are 29 newly appointed judges, 1 of them from the Bosnian community.

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