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Court/Prosecution Management – Practical challenges and curriculum development

On 10 March 2017, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Twinning Project “Further support to legal education reform” conducted training on: “Court/Prosecution Management – Practical challenges and curriculum development”.  

This training provided the opportunity for court presidents and chief prosecutors to discuss issues related to court and prosecution management from the case law point of view. 

The training focused on the definition of key topics for future training modules on court and prosecution management in terms of practices related to the initial training program.

This workshop provided to newly appointed Presidents and Chief Prosecutors and those re-appointed the opportunity to discuss issues relevant to the management of courts and prosecution offices from the point of view of practitioners. The training was also supported by the CEPEJ program (European Commission on Efficiency in Justice) in Kosovo, which provided its guidelines and means for the management of courts and prosecution offices.

During the training, participants were divided in two groups, whereby one group worked on the task regarding managing a court and prosecutor's office and the other group in developing a curriculum for the management of courts and prosecution offices.

Beneficiaries of the training were the President of the Court of Appeal, Chief Prosecutor of the Appellate Prosecution, Presidents of Basic Courts and Chief Prosecutors of Basic Prosecutions. 



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