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Workshop on capacity development of staff of the prosecutorial system of Kosovo

On 24-25 March 2017, the Academy of Justice organized a workshop on: “capacity development of staff of the prosecutorial system of Kosovo”.

This workshop aimed at enhancing the knowledge of participants relating development of the recourses on public communication, drafting of various normative acts and ensuring the access and unified standards for drafting of all types of bylaws and identification of the needs for benefiting from IPA fund projects 2018-2020.

Topics treated during this workshop were related to the functioning of prosecutorial system in Kosovo, such as: the role of KPC Secretariat toward the efficiency of the prosecutorial system, planning of working tasks for 2017 in light of KPC plans, KPCS Regulation, working tasks, transparency, design and content of the KPC webpage, as well as other possible platforms.  

Beneficiaries of this workshop were heads of organizational units of the Secretariat and the Unit for Performance Review of the Prosecution and Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, legal officers of KPC and State Prosecutor’s office, as well as other officials.

The training was implemented by the Director of the Secretariat of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council.



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