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Cross-border asset confiscation

During May 25-26th 2017, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU funded project “International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Justice”, implemented by the Western Balkans Prosecutors' Network, conducted the workshop on Cross-border Asset Confiscation.

The workshop focused on national and interna-tional legal framework pertaining to administra-tion and determination of the frozen or confiscat-ed assets with international element, including the methodology to be used in confiscating pro-ceeds of crime.

Initially, the national trainers presented an over-view of the actual situation of asset confiscation in Kosovo, and it continued further by interna-tional trainers who elaborated on developments of the cross-border crimes and confiscations, as well as on issues of confiscation in cases on non-punishment. Also, particular emphasis was given to the Law No.04/L-140 on Extended Powers for Confiscation of Assets Acquired by Criminal Offence, the actual practices and difficulties of applying this law in practice, as well as distinc-tions of the extended powers between the nation-al and German legislations, with the purpose of unifying practices for asset confiscation cases.

The workshop was delivered through theoretical lecturing parts and analysis of the case law, as well as in working group assignments.

Beneficiaries of this workshop were judges of the Appeals Court, judges and prosecutors of the basic instance and Kosovo Police officials, Ko-sovo Customs and the Financial Investigation Unit.

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