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Construction contracts and liability of the contractor

On June 2nd 2017, Academy of Justice within its continuous training program conducted training on “Construction Contracts and liability of the contractor”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the par-ticipant’s knowledge and discuss and introduce best practices in order to conduct successfully disputes that relate to construction contracts.

This training elaborated on the following issues: construction contract’s features and legal nature, avoidance from the project and unforeseen ur-gent work, effect of the changes to the price in construction contracts, as well as the right of the customer to require deduction of the contracted price. It was further elaborated on the construc-tion contract with special provision, as well as liability in cases of deficiencies.

The training was conducted in the form of inter-active discussions, comparing with the applica-ble legal framework, as well as challenges and difficulties in cases of disputes that relate to con-struction contracts.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and legal associates of the basic instance.

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