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Workshop on bylaws of the Justice Academy

July 24 and 25 2023, the Kosovo Justice Academy cooperation with EUKOJUST is conducting the workshop for review of the KJA bylaws drafted as a results of the legal requirements and amendment and supplementation to the Law no. 05/L-095 of the Justice Academy.

Purpose of this workshop is to review and finalize the bylaws, with emphasis on the Regulation on Trainers and Mentors, amendments and supplement to the Regulations on the Managing Board and the Program Council, as well as the Regulation on Internal Organization and Systematization of jobs in the Academy of Justice, in compliance with the Law no. 08L-063 on amendment and supplementation of the Laws pertaining to rationalization and establishment of the accountability lines for the Independent Agencies, respectively Chapter IV, Amendment and Supplements of the Law no. 05/L-095 on the Justice Academy.

Participants in this workshop are members of the Kosovo Justice Academy Managing Board, EUKOJUST experts, experts from OPDAT, Officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Officials from the Ministry of Finance, and the Management of the Justice Academy.

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