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Trial of Juvenile and Adults in one Judicial Process

On June 30th 2017, academy of Justice in coop-eration with UNICEF conducted training on Tri-al of Juveniles and Adults in one Judicial Pro-cess.

Purpose of this training was to enhance knowledge of participants related to legal infra-structure that has to be implemented in cases when the juvenile together with an adult have committed different criminal offences.

This training treated the issue of trial of the juve-nile and adults, when in co-perpetration, aid or incitement have committed crimes, as in practice there are considerable cases when juveniles commit crimes together with adult persons.

The training comprehensively covered the proce-dure against juveniles which is not identical with the procedure against adults, which is more ur-gent and involves persons and institutions that do not participate in the procedure against adults.

This training paid attention to cases of separating the proceeding, and other issues that occur in practice.

Training was delivered in the form of interactive discussions, where the participants had the chance to present their challenges and difficul-ties they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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