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Training on the case law for judicial protection in cases of obstruction of possession and servitudes and property rights with a foreign element

On November 01-02, 2023, the Academy of Justice in the framework of the Continuous Training Program in cooperation with GIZ are conducting the training on the topic "Case law on judicial protection in cases of obstruction of possession and servitudes and property rights with a foreign element".

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mr. Kujtim Pasuli, judge at the Appeals Court, Mrs. Donikë Qerimi, Professor at the University of Pristina’s International Law Department, University of Pristina, and Mr. Gazmend Çitaku, Director of the ILC Department at the Ministry of Justice.

Purpose of this training is to advance the participants knowledge on handling and addressing the challenges of judicial practice related to implementation of material and procedural provisions from this field.

The training methodology is of a combined character with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions, also presenting practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges from the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, Judges of the Appeals Court and Basic Courts.

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