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From Judicial Institute to the Academy of Justice - Strategic Planning for Legal Education of the Kosovo Judiciary

On April 28, 2017, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU-funded Twinning Pro-ject "Further Support for Legal Education Re-form" conducted a workshop on "From Judicial Institute to the Academy of Justice - Strategic Planning for Legal Education of the Kosovo Judiciary".

The purpose of this workshop was the Strategic Planning for Legal Education of the Kosovo Judiciary by the Academy of Justice.

During this workshop, experts of this project discussed the essential elements of the strategy for training and legal education from the per-spectives of EU countries, as well as analyzing and discussing judicial training in Kosovo. In this regard, the concept of the strategic plan for legal education in Kosovo was introduced, which reflected the values, principles and ob-jectives on which the Academy of Justice should be leaded.

During the workshop, participants were divided into three groups. The first group focused on training policies - the resources and goals of the KJC and KPC regarding human resources development, the second group focused on the needs and requirements for orientation in prac-tice within the initial training, whereas, the third group was focused on discussions regard-ing training needs assessment, training of train-ers and the use of information technology.

At the end, a summary of the working group results was presented by the participant, which will be taken into account in the next work-shops in order to finalize the Strategic Plan of the Academy.

Participants in this workshop were the Chair of the KJC, KPC representatives, judges, prosecu-tors, and management staff of the Academy of Justice.

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