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Practical Training at Ombudsperson Institution

On 24 May 2017, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Ombudsperson Institution organized training in this institution for the newly appointed prosecutors of ITP, IV gener-ation.

The purpose of the training was to provide newly appointed prosecutors with a clear view of the mandate, the role, organizational struc-ture and challenges faced by the OPI.

Initially, the Ombudsperson presented a brief history on the establishment and development of the People's Advocate Institution, the legal framework and the competencies of the OPI according to the applicable legislation on which this institution exercises its mandate, as well as the challenges they face and difficulties encountered in inter-institutional cooperation and the respect of the recommendations given by the OPI to public institutions.

In addition, was elaborated the internal appeals procedure lodged to OPI, including citizen complaints directed against the judiciary, the work of the National Mechanism for Preven-tion of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishments, and the relationship of the People's Advocate Institu-tion with the judicial and prosecutorial system.

Newly appointed prosecutors during the course of this training were given the opportunity to discuss and ask questions about issues related to the work of the People's Advocate Office and the work of the prosecutor's office. In this context, they were divided into groups where they had to work on a practical case.

Beneficiaries of this training were the ITP new-ly appointed prosecutors generation IV.

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