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Advancement of the performance on the administration of the prosecutorial system

On 30-31 May 2017, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council conducted training on: “Advancing the performance on the administration of the prose-cutorial system”.

The purpose of the training was to raise the awareness of the beneficiaries regarding the new management concepts adopted with the spirit of legal changes and the restructuring of the Prosecutorial Council Secretariat which has created a new vision for the policy-making pro-cess and the provision of services within the prosecutorial system.

Through group work and discussions, were elaborated principles such proactive approach to service delivery, effective and efficient plan-ning, including policy proposals discussions for advancement of the effective administration of the prosecutorial system.

Moreover, the focus of the training lied on fur-ther advancement of the performance evalua-tion system which presents one of the crucial aspects in the efficient administration of the justice system and which directly impacts the accountability and motivation of the staff in providing qualitative services.

Beneficiaries of this training were heads of or-ganizational units of the Secretariat (departments, divisions and offices) and admin-istrators of prosecution offices.
Beneficiaries of this training were the leaders of the organizational units of the Secretariat (departments, divisions and offices) as well as prosecutors' offices.

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