News and Activities - Archive


Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial cases in the EU

From 26 to 30 June 2017, with the support of GIZ, was organized a regional training on: "EU Law", respectively on the topic: "Judicial cooperation in civil and commercial cases in the EU", held in Ohrid Macedonia.

During this training were discussed issues related to the application of EU law in the procedures and Court decisions of the Southeastern European countries, as well as issues related to legal cooperation in the civil and commercial field in these countries.

Participants of this training have presented their work on this topic in order to contribute to the establishment of the best practices in judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters in the EU.

Participants and beneficiaries of this training were judges from the countries of South Eastern Europe, namely judges from Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Kosovo. In the composition of the Kosovo delegation were Judge Valon Totaj and Arsim Hamzaj, from the Basic Court in Prizren.


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