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Execution of measures and punishments against juveniles

On 27 September 2017, Judicial Academy with the support of UNICEF, conducted training on: "Execution of measures and penalties against juveniles".

The purpose of this training was to approximate the practices in executing measures and punishments imposed on juveniles, and correctly apply the provisions for reviewing and replacing measures and punishments, as well as identify cases when against a juvenile should be ceased the execution of measures and punishments.

During the training, trainers focused on addressing the implementation of diversion measures and educational measures, the execution of a fine and the order on community service work, the reviewing procedure, replacing and dismissing of educational measures and executing juvenile imprisonment.

Also during the training it was emphasized that the punishment of imprisonment for juveniles should be imposed carefully, due to the consequences that can be left to the juvenile, and the guiding principles set out in the CPC, such as the best interest of the juvenile, ensuring his/ her well-being, the principle of urgency, provision of professional legal assistance, commencement of proceedings, etc.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from Juvenile Department, judges of Basic and Appeal Courts from different regions of Kosovo. 

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