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Seminar on ECHR implementation and legal safeguards for protection against discrimination

During October 26-28 2017, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the School of Magistrates of Albania, supported by the UNDP Access to Justice Project is conducting a joint regional event on Implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and legal safeguards for protection against discrimination. 

Purpose of this seminar is exchange of experiences between the Kosovo and Albanian judiciaries in the area of application of decisions of the European Court on Human Rights as well as on implementation of the Anti-discrimination Law.  

The Seminar elaborated on the legal framework and courts case law pertaining to equality and nondiscrimination, discrimination in the working relations area, ECHR application in Kosovo and in Albania to include the methodology of referring to the ECtHR case law, and application of the ECtHR decisions in Albania. Also, it was elaborated on the role of courts and Ombudsperson in preventing discrimination to include the UN and European standards in relation to equality and non-discrimination – importance of their recognition and application by the justice system.

Participants discussed practices of both countries in application of the ECHR and the ECtHR case law where specific challenges were introduced, to include also presentation of cases where Albania was a party in the ECtHR proceedings.

Participants in this seminar are: judges and prosecutors from Kosovo and Albania, as well as representatives from the Ombudsperson Institution of the Republic of Kosovo. 

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