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Initial case-based training – Elaboration of the case-based train-ing handbook

On September 21 2017, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU Twinning project “Further Support to Legal Education Reform” conducted roundtable on “Initial case-based training – Elaboration of the case-based train-ing handbook”.

Purpose of this roundtable was to explain thor-oughly the didactic model for elaboration of training modules based on effective learning with group work through real cases.

At this roundtable, Academy of Justice and the Twinning project experts agreed that a case based training model would be a useful ap-proach and implementation of this methodolo-gy will also support the didactic learning for newly appointed judges and prosecutors. Therefore both parties confirmed the need to prepare a Handbook for case-based learning.

This roundtable focused on the way of select-ing the practical/ real case, compiling the case to be briefer during the initial training presenta-tion, structuring the case in different learning modules, finding important questions and di-dactics for selection from the trainees in each level, as well as creation of the possibility for them to present the cases.

This roundtable also planned the forthcoming activities that will be carried out for drafting a case based handbook. Also, the working group was assigned the tasks and further work was coordinated.

Participants at this workshop were trainers of the Academy of Justice coming from the judg-es and prosecutors communities, other experts hired by the Twinning project, and staff of the Academy of Justice.


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