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Workshop for drafting the training program for administrative staff of courts and prosecutions

On September 26-27, Academy of Justice in cooperation and under the support of GIZ con-ducted the “Workshop on drafting the training program for administrative staff of courts and prosecutions”.

Purpose of this workshop was setting the struc-ture of proposed modules to be part of the training program for 2018, as well as preparing the concept for these training modules, which derived as a result of the needs assessment pro-cess conducted by the Twining project, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with Koso-vo Judicial Council and Kosovo Prosecutorial Council supported by international partners as well.

The workshop begun with analysis of proposals and recommendations that were issued as a re-sult of developing needs assessment and based on them the Training Program structure for 2018 for administrative staff of courts and prosecutions.

Based on the structure of the training program concept of the module and sub-module was prepared, which include the following: purpose of the training, writing the dilemmas and de-scribing the training objectives, content, train-ing delivery methodology, beneficiaries and duration of the training.

Beneficiaries in this workshop were trainers of the Academy of Justice from among the judges and prosecutors, other experts from relevant fields, GIZ representatives, Twinning projects, Judicial Support Strengthening Project (JSSP) and staff of the Academy of Justice.


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