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Eight meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice

Prishtina, 17 January 2018 – was held the eight meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice, chaired by the Chair Person of the Academy of Justice, Chief State Prosecutor Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi.

During this meeting, where all members of the MB were present, initially was discussed the agenda of the meeting and minutes of two previous meetings.

Further, the Managing Board approved the Working Plan of the Academy of Justice for 2018, emphasizing that this plan meets the legal mandate and working objectives of the Academy.

Managing Board, took a decision for compensation of the mentors for newly appointed judges and prosecutors, of the Initial Training Program for 2018.

In this meeting MB reviewed and approved the list of metros proposed by the Kosovo Judicial Council for newly appointed judges, and have decided upon the compensation of the editorial members of the Justicia magazine.

Members of the Board unanimously agreed with the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council that the newly appointed prosecutors to continue with the Initial Training Program same as the last year.

At the end of the meeting, Managing Board discussed also other topics related to work and good function of the Academy. 

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