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Roundtable with judges

On January 26 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of the GIZ Legal and Administrative Reform Project conducted a roundtable with judges on “Identification of needs related to the jurisprudence of the European Court on Human Rights and how is it applied in the daily work of judges”.

Purpose of this roundtable was identification of the judges needs related to jurisprudence of the European Court on Human Rights and drafting a compilation of cases of this court, based on their significance, particularly of those that impacted on establishing main principles of this court.

Experts from the rank of University of Prishtina’s Law Faculty professors engaged in preparing this compilation, emphasized the difficulties for accessing the decisions of the European Court on Human Rights, which although are public considering that they are available only in French or English language are difficult to refer to by our courts. Also, in most cases these decisions are voluminous therefore summary of main issues would facilitate the judge’s work and reference to decisions of this court.

In this roundtable, important contribution for selection of topics was given by participating judges who presented their needs in more challenging issues like: the property issues, inheritance cases, discrimination, compensation of the claims when freedom of expression is endangered, duration of investigation, practice of religion and many other issues.

At the end of this roundtable it was concluded that the compilation shall contain for each article of the Convention 6-7 cases. Also, when preparing this compilation, cases of 2017 for Albania will be followed, eliminating other translated compilations.

Besides the need for this type of compilation the participating judges raised their need for training on case referral.

Participants in this roundtable were judges by all basic courts including judges of the Appeals Court as well.

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