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Activities conducted for newly appointed prosecutors in the ITP

During March of 2018, the Initial Training Program for newly appointed prosecutors has conducted activities in form of theoretical training as well as the practical trainings.

In this period, the theoretical training conducted total of six (6) training sessions from the sub-modules of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo – the general part and the special part. Initially, in the general part of the Criminal Code of Kosovo, it was elaborated on elements of the crime, object and subject of the criminal offence, their division, venue and time of commission of the crime and unlawfulness. Whereas the special part of the Criminal Code of Kosovo covered the following: crimes of murder and aggravated murder, crimes against life and body and against human rights, and crimes of unauthorized possession of narcotics, psychotropic or analogue substances.

Through tasks and practical exercises, the newly appointed prosecutors were engaged in preparing and presenting cases on different hypothetical situations.

Within the practical training in prosecution offices, the newly appointed prosecutors continued their in-job training in respective prosecution offices, as per the schedule set in the program and under supervision of their assigned mentors.

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