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Activities conducted for newly appointed judges in ITP

Academy of Justice during March of 2018, conducted activities within its ITP for newly appointed judges, as planned in the training program.

The theoretical training component in this period was realized with the following activities from the modules below: “Civil Law” delivering one (1) training session, “The Contested procedure – first part” – delivering five (5) training sessions, the “Contested procedure – second part” with six (6) training sessions and, “the Enforcement procedure” with two (2) training sessions conducted.

The sub-module on “Contested Procedure – first part” elaborated on: the timelines and return to previous situation, conclusion of the procedure by court order, types of judgments according to the Law on Contested Procedure, regular and extraordinary legal remedies for appeal.

Whereas the sub-module on “Contested procedure – second part” reviewed the filing of the lawsuit in the first instance, preliminary review of the lawsuit and responding to the lawsuit, preparing the main hearing and the main hearing session, proving remedies and obtaining evidence, as well as ensuring the claim.

The enforcement area elaborated on the enforcement proposal and decisions of the enforcing entity pertaining to permissibility, suspension and closure of the procedure, and executive titles, as well as enforcement through bank accounts. While the sub-module on the “Civil Law” in this period delivered one training session to cover the unpermitted actions (offences), unfounded enrichment and protection of the rights.

Part of the activities conducted in this period were also the visits to non-judicial institutions. In the respective period, two (2) such visits were realized, visiting the High Safety Prison and the Agency for Personal Data Protection.

While in the practical training, the newly appointed judges continued their practical training in courts, as per the schedule determined by this program.

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