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Issues of evidence related to the prosecution of terrorism-related offenses: Analysis of specific cases and sharing of good practices on digital forensics, use of Internet and conversion of detected information into evidence

On April 26 and 27 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with EULEX within the Continuous Training Program, delivered a training on “Issues of evidence related to the prosecution of terrorism-related offenses: Analysis of specific cases and sharing of good practices on digital forensics, use of Internet and conversion of detected information into evidence”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the participant’s knowledge on collection of evidence in criminal procedure, when dealing with crimes of terrorism, and forms of international cooperation for discovering, investigation and trial of these crimes that present a threat to the state and beyond.

This two-days training elaborated on international legal framework related to terrorism, digital forensics, and use of internet in investigation of terrorism cases, including international legal cooperation that is presented as a need because the crime has exceeded the internal borders and has taken an international dimension.

Due to actual circumstances of the human society, particularly because of terrorist attacks, extensive possibilities for criminal perpetrators to exceed borders, the judges and prosecutors should be familiar with the efficient ways of turning the intelligence information into evidence, related to lawful surveillance for purposes of safety, and exchange of information between judicial authorities and private companies (internet service providers) for obtaining the evidence lawfully.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from different regions of Kosovo.

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