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Commencement and conduct of administrative conflict proceeding

On April 24 2018, Academy of Justice supported by the GIZ in its Continuous Training Program delivered a training on Commencement and conducting administrative procedure conflict”.

This training treated legal provisions on the administrative conflict procedure and the legal procedure in the Department of Administrative Issues at the Basic Court, and legal remedies against its decisions, as well as enforcement of the decisions issues by the Administrative Department of the Pristina Basic Court.

The training mainly covered issues related to judicial protection and addressing the legality of the decisions of public administration bodies in the Administrative Department of the Basic Court of Pristina and the Court of Appeal.  Comprehensive discussion was made related to dilemmas that are being presented to the courts as well as the professional, procedural and material issues during handling these cases. It was further underlined that the purpose of the provisions of the LAC is to provide judicial protection of the rights and legal interests of natural, legal and other parties whose rights and interests have been violated by individual decisions or actions of the public administration bodies.

During the training, focus was on the legal basis of the functioning of the administrative bodies and the general administrative procedure in the Republic of Kosovo, with the aim of resolving the administrative procedure at the public bodies serving as the basis for initiation of administrative conflict in courts, in this context, a general overview of the Law on Administrative Procedure was presented, respectively the changes foreseen in this law, and how these changes will be reflected in the work of the courts during the course of the respective procedure. 

This training offered law-based practical solutions that will facilitate the work of judges, and ultimately will affect the overall reduction of court cases. 

Beneficiaries of this training were the judges of the Administrative Department – Appeals Court, and the Basic Court in Prishtina, as well as judges from Basic Courts - General Department.

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