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Activities implemented within the initial training for newly appointed prosecutors during April

During April 2018, within the Initial Training Program for newly appointed prosecutors, were conducted training activities that included theoretical and practical training.

Within the framework of theoretical training, were developed the following activities: the sub-module "Criminal Code - the general part" was implemented through four (4) training sessions in this period, the sub-module "Criminal Code - special part" four (4) training sessions, under the module "European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms", three (3) training sessions, and three (3) training sessions under the module "Initiation of formal investigation and criminal proceedings".


Within the sub-module Criminal Code - the general and special part were elaborated the following topics: criminal liability, stages of commission of criminal offense, function and system of criminal sanctions, main characteristics of execution of criminal sanctions, offenses from chapter XXVII, XXVII, XXVII, and XXIX. While the focus of the sub-module - the European Convention on Human Rights has remained on: the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights, namely Article 2, Article 4 of Protocol 7 to the European Convention on Human rights.


Also during this period within the professional competence, newly appointed prosecutors had the opportunity to elaborate and extend the knowledge on the preliminary procedure-filing criminal reports, the beginning and duration of the investigation as well as the suspension and termination of investigations.

While the practical training component for this period was conducted through the practice of newly appointed prosecutors in the respective prosecution offices, according to the schedule defined by the program. Newly appointed prosecutors during April also conducted training in Kosovo Customs where they had the opportunity to discuss the role, structure and problems encountered in practice.

The initial training for newly appointed prosecutors has been attended by 22 prosecutors of the newly appointed state.

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