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CLEP Roundtable discussion: Cooperation in the commission of the criminal offence and criminal association

On June 5, 2012, KJI conducted the roundtable from the criminal field.  The topics that were addressed during this training session mainly focused on the Cooperation in the commission of the criminal offence and criminal association, Co-perpetration and incitement, Assistance and Criminal Association. 

Objectives of this training were that participants will be able to: 

- Distinguish when we are dealing with Incitement, Assistance and Criminal Association; 
- Be acquainted with the criminal responsibility of persons when it is proved to have committed a criminal offence in cooperation;
- Implement properly in practice the provisions of the Criminal Code dealing with cooperation in committing the criminal offence.

This training session addressed problematic issues regarding the unification of the implementation of legal provisions dealing with perpetrators who may act with direct intent, intentionally or negligently whether as possible accomplices, instigators or helpers. 
Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from all the regions of Kosovo.

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