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Sentencing Procedure Guidelines

On May 30 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of the US Embassy in Pristina, within its Initial Training Program, conducted a training on the “the Sentencing Procedure Guideline”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of participants related to the content of the Sentencing Procedure Guideline which, is written and published by the Kosovo Supreme Court, pertaining to assessment of the aggravating and mitigating circumstances when imposing a sentence.

The training elaborated on the national and international legal framework, particularly instructions that are included in the Sentencing Procedure Guidelines that relate to assessment of aggravating and mitigating circumstances, ways to assess these circumstances, explain the table for measuring the sentence which is part of the guideline, benefits of using the guideline, appropriateness and weight of circumstances in which the criminal offence was committed, as well as obligation for harmonized approach in measuring sentences.

Particular emphasis in this training was placed on assessment of aggravating circumstances like: the degree of the perpetrator’s participation in crime, the grade of the will, combination of circumstances in relation of the victim, degree of the damage caused, recidivism, etc. whereas for mitigating circumstances it was elaborated on contribution of the victim, personal circumstances of the perpetrator, age, pleading guilty, etj.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed judges undergoing the Initial Training Program in the Academy of Justice.

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