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Regional workshop on criminal justice statistics related to cybercrime and electronic evidences

On 14-15 May 2018, within the framework of the iPROCEEDS project, Bucharest, Romania held a "Regional Criminal Justice Workshop on cybercrime and electronic evidence".

The purpose of the workshop was to inform participants with the role and importance of statistics, cybercrime figures and trends, and electronic evidence as essential in determining the level of threats posed by various forms of cybercrime to support investigations, the most effective prosecutions and to better inform strategic policy makers.

Initially at the workshop were presented the police sector Cybercrime Unit from Southeast Europe and Turkey, where were presented reports, statistics, collection and analysis of criminal justice - current procedures, challenges and opportunities. During the workshop were also presented the cybercrime reporting systems, the institutional framework for data collection and statistics the way data is shared with other organizations from the public and private sectors.

The workshop continued with the submission of data, reports, statistics, collection and analysis of criminal justice - current procedures, challenges and possibilities of the prosecution. During the presentation, prosecutors have introduced whether their local legislation recognizes or does not constitute a specific criminal offense on cybercrime, cybercrime reporting systems, the institutional framework for data collection and statistics, the way data is shared with organizations other from the public and private sector, current practices, and challenges in this area.

As to the reporting, recording statistics, collecting and analyzing criminal justice - the current procedure, challenges and possibilities, were reported by the CERTS - Computer Emergency Response Team.

Also were presented the best international practices, comparison and analysis - Estonian model, definition of methodology for collecting and analyzing statistics on cybercrime and electronic evidence.

This workshop was attended by judges, prosecutors, police officers from the cybercrime department, officials from the Ministry of Justice and the Academy of Justice.

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