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Activities conducted for the newly appointed judges of the Initial Training Program in May

Academy of Justice continues in carrying out its training for newly appointed judges, by delivering training activities that include the theoretical training and practical training for May, as per the schedule.

The theoretical training component, in this period was completed by the following activities: submodule on “Judicial Protection in labor related disputes”, delivered in two (2) training sessions; sub-module “Family Law” with one training session; the sub-module in “Administrative Law” with five training sessions; sub-module on the law on obligations with nine training sessions; as well as the sub-module on the law on minor offences – with one training session.

The sub-module “Judicial protection in working relations dispute” respectively in sessions two and three, elaborated on: legal nature of labor disputes, applicable legislation, implementation scope and types of employment contracts (acts of appointment) according to the Law on Civil Service, causes of termination of working relationship, judicial procedure in cases of labor disputes, types of decisions, timelines, legal remedies, responsibilities of the employer in cases if accidents at work and occupational diseases, ensuring working protection conditions, informing the employees on their rights, rights of employees, etc.

The sub-module on the “Law on obligations” aim to provide the newly appointed judges a hand in enhancing their knowledge for practical application of legal provisions in the area of obligations. During may the following topics were elaborated: characteristics and classification of obligations, contracts on obligations, termination of contracts, permanent retention, contract on delivery and allocation of property, cause of damage as source of obligation, damage compensation, reimbursement of damage in occupational accidents and objection of legal actions of the debtor – pauliana lawsuit.

During this period the newly appointed judges attended the training from the sub-module “The Administrative Law” which elaborated on topics that belong to administration bodies, while the other part included also the administrative dispute in general, and which is developed at the competent administrative court, which includes the main hearing session, and bringing judgments in first instance, as well as regular and extraordinary legal remedies, always according to the Law on Administrative Disputes.

Within the practical training part for May, the practical training with their mentoring judges in respective courts has taken place, according to the Schedule. The newly appointed judges also attended practical training in institutions like the Kosovo Privatization Agency and in the Tax Administration of Kosovo, were they could discuss about the role, structure and problems occurring in practice. Also, in this period the newly appointed judges participated in a round table related to the Handbook of the Kosovo Supreme Court on Sentencing Policies.

The initial training is provided for 54 newly appointed judges, five of them from the Serbian community.

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