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Initial Training Program Activities for the Newly Appointed Prosecutors conducted during June

During June 2018, the Initial training program for newly appointed prosecutors was conducted according to the training program. This period conducted in total 16 training sessions from the modules of “Criminal Code” and the “Criminal procedure Code”.

Under the “Indictment” sub-module, five training session were delivered to treat the following: Criminal charges of the police and other sources, actions of the prosecutor regarding the criminal report, additional data and the dismissal of the criminal report. 

While the sub-module “Indictment – reviewing procedure” had seven training sessions, where the newly appointed state prosecutors elaborated in the following: rights of the defendant after admission of the indictment, changes, extension and dismissal of the indictment, representation of the indictment by the state prosecutors in the main hearing stages, proposals against perpetrators with mental disorders, proposal against juvenile perpetrators, indictment with proposal for detention and challenges of the state prosecutors for ensuring forensic expertise in cases of filing indictment.

Also, the sub-module on “Covert technical measures of investigation and surveillance” had three training sessions, where participants were presented on the following: legal terms for authorizing covert measures and the rights of the attacked persons, interception of telecommunications and recording of telephone conversations, covert investigation and revealing of financial data.

While the sub-module on “Serious crimes” conducted one training session where participants could extend their knowledge on the legal infrastructure on trafficking in human beings, money laundering and cybercrimes.

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