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Membership of the Academy of Justice in the International Organization for Judicial Training (IOJT)

Prishtina, October 23 2018, Academy of Justice has joined in the International Organization for the Judicial Training (IOJT).

The International Organization for Judicial Training is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2002 to promote the rule of law supporting the work of the judicial education institutions worldwide. The IOJT mission is accomplished through international and regional conferences and other exchanges that provide opportunities for judges and judicial trainers to discuss about strategies to create and develop training centers, draft effective curriculums, develop training capacities and improve the training methodology.

Members of the IOJT are Judicial training institutions, Academies, and Legal Education Schools.

Membership of the Academy of Justice in this organization is a significant achievement, as it provides possibility for Exchange of experiences with other members of the IOJT in the judicial training areas, with the aim of increasing the training quality.


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