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Training of Trainers from EU Law – “Preliminary Ruling Procedure”

KJI in cooperation with cooperation with the Twinning Program (EU LER) from February 14 until 16, 2011 continued organizing three day training for judicial trainers, on the topic: EU Law and European Union Court of Justice”.

The main focus of this training was in the preliminary ruling procedure that takes place in the European Court of Justice by addressing the role and the nature of the preliminary ruling procedure.

The importance of this training consists in that after the completion the participants will be able to:

  • To explain the role and the legal nature of the preliminary ruling procedure.
  • To explain the role of the local judge and its duties in the preliminary ruling procedure.
  • To draft and formulate the request for a preliminary ruling.
  • To implement the efficient practice of the procedure for a preliminary ruling (language, sending of documents and files to ECJ).
  • To explain the effects of a request for a preliminary ruling.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and lawyers from all the regions of Kosovo which are on the way to become certified trainers on EU Law.   

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