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Organized crime

On February 13 2019, Academy of Justice within CTP conducted training on Organized crime.

Purpose of this training was to enhance professional knowledge of judges and prosecutors in correct implementation of the Criminal Code that sanctions criminal offences that relate to organize crime and issues that occur in practice.

This training elaborated on organized crime as form of criminality that is committed by a group of persons that are structured and organized with the purpose of direct or indirect financial profit. It was further concluded that organized crimes seriously hinders development of democracy and the rule of law, directly risking the human rights, and economic growth of the state. Principle attention was paid to prevention, investigation and sanctioning of the organized crime which in most of the cases is related to other crimes like trafficking in human beings, crimes against economy, smuggling with goods, narcotics, etc.

The training was delivered in form of interactive discussions where the participants had the possibility to present challenges and difficulties they face in practice when investigating and trial of these crimes.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance.

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