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Meeting of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board

Prishtina, February 22nd 2019, at the Academy of Justice, the fifteenth meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice was held chaired by Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi, the State Chief Prosecutor.

In this meeting, Mr. Valon Kurtaj, Executive Director of the Academy, presented the annual Report and the Financial Report of the Academy for the 2018. Mr. Kurtaj emphasized that the annual report is prepared based on standards set by the Kosovo Assembly, which in its introductory part it present data on the activities, the functions and programs developed by the Academy.

The report contains all activities carried out by the Academy of Justice during 2018, whereas the Financial Report of the Academy presents an overview of the AJ budget and expenses of for the 2018. Members of the managing Board appreciated the work of the academy for the 2018 and unanimously approved the annual report.

Managing Board in this meeting approved also the Initial Training Program for judges and request of the Kosovo Judicial Council for commencement of the Initial Training for the 37 new judges that were decreed, and approved appointment of mentors for the practical training of these judges.

Managing Board also discussed about organization of donor supported trainings.

Also, in this meeting the Managing Board, as foreseen in the agenda, discussed and decided on some other issues important for the work of the Academy of Justice.

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