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Juvenile Justice Code (TPP)

On 22 and 23 January 2013, KJI in cooperation with UNICEF, within the Training Program for Promotion conducted a two days training on the Module: “Juvenile Justice Code”.The purpose of this training was to establish the best practices toward the implementation of the legal provisions regarding the punishments against juveniles and other related offences of the juvenile procedure.
During the first day of the training were presented the principles of the juvenile justice, measures and punishments against juveniles, diversion measures and mediation. Whereas, the second day contained the educational measures, juvenile imprisonment and the adult tried for the commission of the criminal offences against juveniles.
During this training to the participants was distributed the training Module: Juvenile Justice Code and the Joint Referal Protocoll for Juvenile Justice Institutions.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the juvenile departments and Probation Officers, Center for Social Work and Kosovo Police Officers. 

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