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Main hearing and obtaining evidence in criminal proceeding

On March 25 2019, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on the “Main hearing and obtaining evidence in criminal proceeding”.

Purpose of this training was correct implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code for conducting main hearing and particularly correct application of the arrangement in examining injured parties, witnesses and experts, as well as obtaining evidence.  This training elaborated on the following: judicial hearing, evidence in criminal procedure and their legitimacy, the defendant’s statement as evidence, admissible evidence, statement of the witness as well as the inadmissible evidence. Particular attention was paid to examination of the parties in the procedure, highlighting importance and proving value of evidence for fair and complete proving of the factual situation in criminal procedure during the judicial hearing.

Besides the main hearing, it was elaborated also on the preparatory stage and preconditions for conducting a main hearing. It was continued with ways of issuing evidence, ways of examining parties the parties, explaining who shall be the first to raise questions in the direct examination method, and who shall raise indirect questions, and at the end it was explained about evidence and legitimacy of evidence, in order to distinguish admissible evidence and inadmissible evidence in the proceeding and during the judicial hearing.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from all regions of Kosovo.

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