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JUFREX Closing Conference

During April 4-6 2019, the Final Conference of the Joint Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX)” took place in Sarajevo.

Purpose of this Project was to promote the freedom of expression and the media in compliance with the Council of Europe standards, with particular focus on the judiciary branch in the Southeastern Europe.

The closing conference of the project was attended by all beneficiary countries of the region that and discusses on latest developments in ECtHR pertaining to freedom of expression and the best judicial practices, regulatory authorities and media stakeholders.  Also, at the conference it was reported about the accomplished activities and experiences while carrying out the projects, as well as challenges faced in this area.

At the end of the activity, the Projects Steering Committee was held, and beneficiary countries, respectively Academies/ judicial schools reported on the achievements, challenges and the goals for the future. Also this meeting announced that this Project is planned for the upcoming three years and will target addressing the needs identified during the first Project.

Participants in this Conference from Kosovo states were: Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, Acting Program Coordinator AJ, judges, prosecutors (at the same time trainers at the Academy of Justice) as well as lawyers and representatives of the Media Association. 

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