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Criminal procedure against juveniles

April 16 2019, Academy of Justice within CTP conducted training on “Criminal procedure against juveniles”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participant’s knowledge on the specifics of criminal proceeding taking place against a juvenile who has violated the law.

This training elaborated on the criminal proceeding against a juvenile including its specifics. It continued with the emphasis on the fact that no information that reveals the minor’s identity shall be released, and that the criminal proceeding taking place against a juvenile is confidential, in order to preserve his/her intimacy and personality. Particular attention was also paid to the preparatory procedure which includes procedural actions to be taken by the prosecutor of juvenile case, or dismissal of the indictment.

The afternoon session of the training covered the main hearing, distinguishing elements of this stage of the criminal proceeding that is conducted against a juvenile that has violated the law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from all regions of Kosovo.

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