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Training on Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code

April 25-27 2019, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program in cooperation with the OPDAT is organizing training on the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code.

This training will cover the following: changes to general provisions of the Criminal Code; provisions of terrorism and crimes against life and body; Sexual harassment and other related articles; Crimes against economy; Crimes against public utilities services and new articles; Crimes of official corruption and crimes against official duty; Mandatory defense, publicly funded defense attorney when the defense is not mandatory, and the rights of the injured party or of the victim; Dismissal of the criminal indictment, the right to appeal the dismissal; Special investigative opportunities; Examination in preliminary procedure, statement in the preliminary procedure and special investigative opportunity; Investigation (timeline of investigations, termination and re-opening of investigations); Evidence and additional facts; Suspension of the official person from duty; Plea bargaining agreement and cooperative witnesses; Public Access to indictments and publication of the judgment; Second hearing, confirmation of indictment and setting the main hearing; Trial in absence; hearing for setting the punishment; Standards for reviewing appeals; Request for protection of lawfulness; Writs – electronic summons.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges, prosecutors and lawyers from the region of Prizren and Gjakova.

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