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Time management as a prerequisite for stress management

April 30 2019, Academy of Justice within CTP conducted training on “Time management as a prerequisite for stress management”.

Purpose of this training is to extend the judges knowledge related to time management as a prerequisite for managing stress.

First part of the training elaborated on the following: stress factors, types of stress, signs and warning symptoms of stress. Whereas the second day of the training focused on: stress at work and time administration.

Beginning of the training emphasized that daily work in modern world is accompanied with appearance of stress and its types, particularly in exercising the duty of judge or prosecutors. Stress appears as a mass of emotional, bodily and behavioral reaction to the requirements, challenges and loads that an individual goes through in different life circumstances. In general, stress is a consequence and indicator of “suffocation” of the spiritual life. Frequent presence of stress in the individual’s daily life causes demotivation, reduces productivity, deteriorates the performance, causes mental and physical problems and changes the individual’s behavior.

It was further concluded that good management of time and prioritization of needs are the prerequisites for better management and keeping the stress under control, which is a precondition for preserving individual’s health and wellbeing. Many researchers of this issue prefer to place boundaries as a technique of effective prevention of the stress negative effect. Placing material and formal boundaries, and adhering to emotional boundaries are elements that enable this technique.

This training elaborated also on topics of developing skills for preserving health, promote professional values and save the emotional and mental balance, as prerequisites of successful practice of the judges or prosecutors profession.

Another highlights of the training were the professional exhaustion, moral decadence as well as ability to resist and overcome stressful situation. It was concluded that promoting an encouraging and incentive spirit at working environments, contributes to more qualitative performance at work, and impacts in noble practice of the judge’s or prosecutor’s profession.

This training was delivered with combination of the theoretical methods of teaching, case based studies and interactive discussions facilitated by trainers. It also provided analysis and elaboration of the topic, focusing on application of efficient methods for good time management, as a prerequisite for stress management.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of all instances in the Republic of Kosovo.

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