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Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges (generation VII)

Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges (generation VII) continued carrying out activities planned in the program.

The theoretical training part conducted sixteen training sessions from the Module: The Civil, Administrative and Commercial Laws.

The sub-module on Contested Procedure – second part, they attended four training sessions that covered the following: completion of the procedure with a court decision, binding form of the judgment and its correction, types of judgments according to the Law on Contested Procedure (LCP), as well as regular and extraordinary legal remedies to attack the judgments.

Also, the sub-module on the Family Law; delivered four training sessions where the newly appointed judges elaborated the family structures, the rights and obligations of the spouses, resolution of marriage/ divorce procedure, as well as proving and objection of the paternity and maternity.

From the sub-module on Contested procedure- second part, they attended eight training sessions that discussed on the following aspects: filing the lawsuit in the first instance court, preliminary review of the lawsuit and response to the lawsuit, preparing the main hearing session, proving tools and obtaining evidence, as well as the insuring the charge claim.

During this period nine days of practical training in courts were conducted as per the practical training schedule.

The Initial Training Program is being attended by 39 judges, seven of them are of the Serbian community.

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