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Activities of the Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges (generation VI) conducted in April 2019

According to the theoretical training plan for the newly appointed judges of the sixth generation, Academy of Justice delivered 18 training sessions from the following Modules: Criminal Procedure Code and the Criminal Code.

The sub-module on “Evidence in criminal procedure” conducted six training sessions that discussed the matters of evidence and proving tools, classification of evidence, the defendant, witnesses and types of witnesses, admissible evidence, obtaining evidence from experts and contradictions between them, etc.

The sub-module on “Initial hearing, second hearing and the main hearing” conducted six training sessions that covered the following: appointing the judge for adjudicating the case, competence check and the indictment check, minutes of the initial hearing, the issues of defense and evidence, plea bargaining agreement, disruption of order and disobedience of the court orders, objection for dismissal of the indictment, judicial review and its flow, closing statement, and the hearing for counseling and voting.

The sub-module on “Statute of limitation” delivered three training sessions that elaborated on the issues presented below: duration of the statute of limitation according to the Criminal Code, ceasing and stopping of the statute of limitation according to the criminal code, absolute statute of limitation for criminal prosecution, as well as statute of limitation for enforcement of the punishment.

The Sub-module “Procedure according to legal remedies” delivered one training session for the newly appointed judges who extended their knowledge on regular and extraordinary legal remedies, request for reviewing the procedure, request to reduce the sentence, as well as request for protection of the legitimacy.

Another sub-module on “bringing and communication of decisions and delivery of writs” provided one training session focusing on the procedure for taking decision in the hearing for counseling and voting by the trial panel, the closed hearing for counseling and voting, writs delivered after the deadline, as well as delivery of writs through other participants in the procedure.

Also, the sub-module on “Procedure expenses and legal property claims” had one training that covered the following: decision for expenses of the criminal procedure, payment of expenses based on the culpability of the person that caused them, compensation and necessary expenses of the defense or of the authorized person, filing the proposal for realizing the property claim, measures for provisional insurance of the legal claims addressed against third persons.

During April, the newly appointed judges conducted a visit at the Kosovo Customs institution.

During the same period, they conducted eight practical training days in courts, based on the training schedule.

The initial training program is being attended by 5 judges of the Serbian Community.

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